
Cuốn sách rất hay, chi tiết và thực hành nhiều dành cho bạn nào muốn tìm hiểu về kĩ thuật lập trình giao diện dùng ngôn ngữ C# .net


Cuốn sách dành cho bạn nào muốn tìm hiểu về kĩ thuật lập trình giao diện dùng ngôn ngữ C# .net


The ASP.NET MVC 5 Framework is the latest evolution of Microsoft’s ASP.NET web platform. It provides a high-productivity programming model that promotes cleaner code
architecture, test-driven development, and powerful extensibility, combined with all the benefits of ASP.NET.

Pro ASP.NET MVC 5 covers the advances in ASP.NET MVC 5, including the ability to define routes using C# attributes and the ability to override filters. The user experience of
building MVC applications has also been substantially improved. The new, more tightly integrated, Visual Studio 2013 IDE has been created specifically with MVC application
development in mind and this book covers the full suite of tools that will improve your development times and assist in reporting, debugging and deploying your code.

This book also covers the popular Bootstrap JavaScript library, which has also now been included natively within MVC 5 providing you, the developer, with a wider range of multi-platform CSS and HTML5 options than ever before without the penalty of having to load-in third party libraries.

What You’ll Learn:
• Gain a solid architectural understanding of ASP.NET MVC 5
• Explore the entire ASP.NET MVC Framework as a cohesive whole
• Learn what’s new in version 5 and how best to apply these new features to your
own work
• See how MVC and test-driven development work in action
• Capitalize on your existing knowledge quickly and easily through comparison of
features in classic ASP.NET to those in ASP.NET MVC 5

Link: Ebook Pro Asp.net MVC 5

Link 1: Pro ASP.NET MVC 5 (orfis.gob.mx) (read online)

Link 2: Ebook Pro Asp.net MVC 5


Sourcode of book: Pro ASP.NET MVC 5 | Adam Freeman | Apress



C# documentation full 2020: Microsoft link

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