
Smart code editor for web developers

Create and edit web page code faster and easier

WeBuilder is a fast, intelligent and powerful all-in-one code editor for web developers. Clean interface, quick startup, superb flexibility and powerful features make creating and managing HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, ASP, SSI and Perl code an easier task, while integrated tools let you validate, format, reuse, navigate and deploy your code quickly and efficiently. What's new in 2020?

Purchase Now
One-time fee of just $59.95
WeBuilder code editor screenshot
  • Super quick
    Loads much faster than any other code editor or IDE with similar features
  • Powerful syntax highlighting Updated!
    Supports HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, XML, ASP, ASP.Net, C#.Net, Perl, Python, Ruby, SQL, Apache and more
  • Full Unicode support
    Supports UTF-8 with and without BOM as well as UTF-16
  • Code intelligence Updated!
    Tons of intelligent code completion, navigation and suggestion features
  • HTML5 and CSS3 ready Updated!
    Coding features are up-to-date with modern standards
  • Direct FTP/SFTP/FTPS Updated!
    Edit directly on your web server or publish local development copy updates with a single click
  • Smart code re-use
    Code snippet library and code templates with assignable shortcuts
  • Advanced search and replace
    Goto anything, quick search, detailed search, file search, regular expressions, detailed results and more
  • Fully-packed HTML & CSS editor
    HTML & CSS editor with auto complete, inspector, code assistants and more
  • Fully-packed PHP editor
    PHP editor with auto complete, syntax check, debugger, beautifier and more
  • Fully-packed JavaScript editor
    JavaScript code editor with auto complete, language tools and more
  • Integrated validation & debugging
    Spell checker, W3 HTML and CSS validator, JSLint JavaScript checker, realtime PHP checker, xDebug PHP debugger

Why switch today?

  • Save a lot of time
    WeBuilder combines speed of a simple code editor and power of a full-size IDE allowing you to work much faster.
  • Switching is easy
    Interface and behavior is consistent with other code editors. All essential features are right where they should be.
  • Fully customizable
    You can adjust text editor, menus, toolbars, shortcut keys and everything else to fit your needs perfectly.
  • True all-in-one editor
    Create, edit and validate HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, Ruby within a single program!

How is WeBuilder better?

  • Faster startup
    Unlike with other web development IDEs, you do not have to wait while it loads.
  • No clutter
    WeBuilder is quick, clean and lightweight. It very powerful, yet not stuffed with useless buttons or panels.
  • Attention to detail
    WeBuilder features are carefully crafted with speed and productivity in mind.
  • Superb FTP/SFTP/FTPS features
    Upload/update your online website files in a just few clicks.
  • A lot of integrated tools
    Syntax checkers, validators, debuggers, beautifiers, HTML Tidy, CSS prefixizer etc.

Beginners also welcome!

WeBuilder is very easy to learn and use. It works like a simple text editor, but offers a lot of helpful features such as HTML and CSS wizards and instant code-snippets. WeBuilder actually helps you learn web coding and make less mistakes.

Detailed feature list

Text editor

  • Syntax highlighting
    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VBScript, PHP, ASP, ASP.Net, Python, XML, WML, C#.Net, Ruby, eRuby, Perl, SQL, Apache, SASS, LESS
  • Advanced text editor
    Line numbering, gutter, margin, word wrap, block select and more
  • Unicode support
    UTF-8, UTF-8 without BOM, UTF-16
  • Code folding
  • Line highlighting
  • Split editing
  • Macro recorder

Search & navigate

  • Go to anything
    Instantly jump to any file, symbol, word or line
  • Multi-highlighting
    All instances of the selected text are highlighted
  • Search and replace
    Quick search, detailed search, regular expressions, detailed results and more
  • Search and replace in files
  • Superb navigation
    Advanced bookmarks and quick jumps between recent places
  • Bracket highlighting
  • HTML tag highlighting
    Easily detect matching and missing tags

Keystroke savers

  • Auto brackets
  • Auto quotes
  • Smart Copy and Cut
    If nothing is selected, word at cursor is cut/copied (usual shortcuts)
  • Smart Paste
    If nothing is selected, word at cursor is replaced (default shortcut Shift+Ctrl+V)
  • Emmet plugin

User interface

  • Both tabbed and MDI interface
  • Quick interface switching
    Hide/show all side panels with a single key
  • Detailed customization
    Workspace layout, keyboard shortcuts, text editor behavior, toolbars and menus etc.

Language tools

  • Code intelligence
    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Smarty
  • Code explorer/navigator
    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby
  • Integration with online reference
    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP


  • HTML and CSS inspector
  • HTML assistants
  • HTML tag auto-close
  • CSS assistants
    box editor, gradient editor, shadow editor
  • Support for mobile development
    viewport assistant, CSS media queries
  • Support for Google fonts
  • HTML and CSS code beautifier
  • CSS prefixizer
  • CSS minifier
  • SASS and LESS support
  • Integration with W3 validators
    HTML and CSS
  • Integration with CSS HTML Validator
  • Integration with HTML Tidy for HTML5
  • Framework support
    Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4


  • JavaScript framework support
    jQuery, React, Vue.js
  • JavaScript code beautifier
  • JavaScript code minifier
  • Integration with JSHint


  • Realtime PHP syntax checker
  • PHP debugger (xDebug)
    Built-in web server and zero-configuration package available
  • PHP framework support
    Laravel, CodeIgniter, Symfony, Yii, Nette, Prado, CakePHP, WordPress
  • Smarty support
    with code intelligence
  • PHP code beautifier
  • PHP 7 ready

Other languages

  • Python support
    syntax highlighting, comments
  • Apache .htaccess file support
    Apache syntax highlighting

File management

  • Built-in file explorer
  • Edit/save directly on FTP/SFTP/FTPS server or quickly publish all changed files
  • Built-in FTP/SFTP/FTPS browser
  • Project management
    Maintain separate projects, search within project, publish changes with a single click
  • SVN and Git integration
    with TortoiseSVN and TortoiseGit
  • One-click HTML publishing
    Publish HTML file and all linked files (images, css, js) get uploaded too


  • Built-in preview
    Chrome and IE rendering, split-screen mode, screen-size testing
  • XRay for HTML/CSS
  • One-click preview in web browser
  • Preview via web server
    external or built-in

Plugin support

  • Add your own features by writing plugins
    plugins can be written in JScript and can utilize powerful Chromium engine
  • Plugin catalog


  • HTML color picker
    Pick-from-screen feature, file colors, project colors, color palettes, lightness adjustment, rgb/rgba/hsl/hsla support
  • Inline ToDo
    with TODO, FIXME and CHANGED markers
  • Multi-item clipboard
  • Code snippet library
    Code templates, assignable shortcuts
  • Quick SQL explorer
    MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, SQLite etc.
  • Portable mode
    Run from USB stick
  • Easy settings import/export
  • Crash recovery system
  • Diff tool integration

Get: Download Blumentals WeBuilder 2020 v16.3.0.231 (br0wsers.com)

Pass: taiwebs.com


Nice for use.

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Hotline: 0968.379.699 - 092.675.8899 (mr.Toàn)


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Risk Warning: Your capital is at risk. Leveraged products may not be suitable for everyone. Please consider our Risk Disclosure. Sản phẩm với đòn bẩy có thể không phù hợp với tất cả các nhà đầu tư, hãy cân nhắc khi dùng số tiền của bạn.
